GLAM is where Experts and Influencers monetize their visibility. Building a business and a LIFE you love so you can elevate your awesome and change the world. Molly Mahoney and top Digital Marketers show you how to attract a flood of leads who can’t wait to throw credit cards at your face using the latest marketing strategies and techniques including Live Video, Messenger Bots, and more. Brought to you by The Prepared Performer, the GLAM briefing is the place to go to be in the know!
Monday Apr 12, 2021
How AI Copywriting Can Save you Time and Cashola
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Ever wonder what you should be delegating in your biz?
About a year ago I was trying to decide what to hand over to me team and decided I'd stop writing our emails. It was taking a lot of time... and seemed like something I could pull back on.
It turned out - the connection I have to our community was one of our most important assets. AND, they really needed to come from me.
But then I still had the time thing coming up for me. How could I write them in less time?
If you're like most business owners... writing is not something you felt you were "born" to do.
I've gotten better at it, and I actually enjoy it now... but it still takes lots of time.
In fact, according to Copyblogger, it's estimated that businesses spend $10 billion on content marketing each year. But even with all this money being spent on content creation, many websites still have low conversion rates because their copy doesn't match the expectations set by search engines.
About a month ago... I discovered a tool that I swear has saved me HOURS a week.
It's an AI copywriting software that uses artificial intelligence to write engaging and high converting web pages for your business - without having to hire an expensive in-house writer or rely on freelancers who may not be as invested in the success of your company as you are!
Plus you can still add in your own personal flair so you maintain the connection with your community.
This week we have the founder of our new favorite Copywriting tool, Dave Rogenmoser, joining us on the show!
Want to check out the tool we are obsessed with - go here ---> www.Molly.live/wow