GLAM is where Experts and Influencers monetize their visibility. Building a business and a LIFE you love so you can elevate your awesome and change the world. Molly Mahoney and top Digital Marketers show you how to attract a flood of leads who can’t wait to throw credit cards at your face using the latest marketing strategies and techniques including Live Video, Messenger Bots, and more. Brought to you by The Prepared Performer, the GLAM briefing is the place to go to be in the know!
Friday Oct 02, 2020
How to Create Content that Converts
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Content is King! So they say... but if your content isn't actually brining in results, what's the point of creating it!? Give us the word CONVERT below if you are in for the Show Notes from this training where I walk you through the 5 keys you MUST HAVE IN PLACE in order to create CONTENT THAT CONVERTS! PS: You can create videos like this with a little help from our site sponsor, Be.Live Get a free trial PLUS 30% off when you go to www.thepreparedperformer.com/belive and use the code MOLLY.